Starting Over in my #100DaysOfCode Journey

I haven’t composed a blog post in a while, not that anybody’s watching or has noticed my absence. Lol.

A few updates:

  • I’m still working.
  • I’ve been coding, I just haven’t been logging my progress.
  • I haven’t read any of those books I said I would read in my last blog post. Not a one. I plan to eventually, it just hasn’t happened yet. xD
  • I’ve decided to pivot my career interests.
  • I might give up my Nanodegree for the 100Devs catch up crew.

I currently work in Help Desk. It’s a pretty sweet gig and most people in IT recommend starting out in Help Desk to advance up the tech ladder and I truly believe I got really lucky.

As stated above, I’ve been coding. I’ve been working on a JavaScript course to help supplement what I was learning in the Front End Developer’s Nanodegree. The modules provided by Udacity weren’t enough for me to really grasp the material but this Udemy course by Jonas Schmedtmann has been a life saver. I’ve been logging my progress through the course in a readme attached to my FENDSelfStudy repo on GitHub. It’s been dope, despite the trouble I’ve been having understanding functions.

I haven’t read the books mentioned in my last post. I’ve purchased most of them but just haven’t had time to read them. Hopefully, I can tackle at least a few of them soon because I think simple book reviews are a good idea for blog posts. Lol.

I’ve decided to pivot my career interests to Cloud and DevOps. So aside from #100DaysOfCode, I am heavily considering #90DaysOfDevOps and logging my journey on LinkedIn and Twitter. Learn to Cloud has a 6 month challenge as well that’s right up my alley as I plan to do the Cloud Resume Challenge anyway.

I’ll be updating my portfolio website soon to reflect my newfound interests. 😁

I’m heavily considering going to WGU for a BS in Cloud Computing as I am already working toward a few of the certs listed in their program and I think it’s time for me to finally obtain my Bachelor’s of Science. I have other career plans, but this blog post would be like 6 feet long if I sat here and typed all that out, lol.

The Nanodegree concerns me because I am less than 10 days away from graduating but negative 2 projects. If my projects aren’t turned and reviewed, then I won’t graduate or receive the certificate. I am quite disappointed in this as I was soooo excited about winning the scholarship to attend the program but starting my new job really put me behind by about a month…which is why I’m stuck attempting to play catch up right now. I’m not sure if the effort is worth it because trying to stress cram the material so I can build the projects is making it hard for me to retain what I’ve learned; which seems counterintuitive.

It’s unfortunate but it’s not the end. I still have 100Devs and it’s dope Catch Up Crew. I do feel as though I should’ve primarily focused on 100Devs in the beginning knowing what I know now. I even sacrificed school for my Nanodegree smh.

As far as #100DaysOfCode goes, I am starting back on day 38, as that was my last recorded day working on the challenge. My plans are to work on a Software Engineering course daily, maybe do a CodeWars challenge and either read a blog post or take a LinkedIn assessment pertaining to what I’ve learned that day.

For #90DaysOfDevOps, I am considering following Michael Cade’s approach but in my own way. I am still working out the details as to how I will execute this, but I plan to log the journey either way.

If you’ve made it this far in my post, thank you so much for reading!

Here are a few things I’ve been enjoying lately:

YouTubers: Network ChuckJosh Madakor, and The I.T. Girl.
Discords: Baddies in Tech and MASTERMND Academy.
Twitch Streamers:, and MewTru.